Who will want me?
It is not uncommon for people to react to
having herpes with fear and self-doubt. When a person with herpes thinks
that he or she can never again have a sexual relationship, or
thinks that he or she is trapped in a bad relationship because no
one else would ever want him (her), or settles for a relationship
with someone that he (she) would have rejected except for herpes, or
feels that he (she) can now only date others who have herpes, that is
the fear and self-doubt talking.
One of the most important things
that a person with herpes needs to work through is this fear and self-doubt.
First, recognize your enemies. Fear and self-doubt are more
formidable enemies than the virus. We can handle the virus; it's
the fear and self-doubt that have the power to defeat us. Then,
having identified the enemies, start working on overcoming them.
How do you do that? This is where the support of others who have
gone through the same experience is your best ally.
Fear and self-doubt make us feel like damaged goods. We fear that "no one will want me". We doubt that we can find acceptance. If that's the way
you feel now, we've been there too. But this reaction to having herpes
is just a phase. For some of us, it only lasts a short time; for
others it may last several years. Our experience at
Cincinnati HELP is that, once we are ready to leave that phase
behind, we find that herpes hasn't really made much of a difference
in how prospective partners see us. If a good person really cares
and really wants to have a relationship with you, it is rare that
he or she will run away because you have herpes. You don't have to
settle for a life alone, and you don't have to settle for someone
you would not have chosen if you didn't have herpes. Through the
years, we've seen many people who had been avoiding dating. Today,
most of them are in happy long term relationships with people who
do not have herpes. We've also seen people who stuck with a bad
relationship for fear that they couldn't find anyone else. Most
of them are also now in happy long-term relationships with good
and caring partners. Others think they need to limit themselves
to others who have herpes too. Of course, it is entirely possible
that you could find your Mr. Right or Miss Right within the
"H Community". But if that happens, the relationship
will be based on far more than the simple fact that both of you
have herpes. Some of us do place limitations on ourselves, and
sometimes those limitations may be valid. We know some people who
rule out family friends, the people their aunts and brothers and
sisters keep trying to fix them up with. We know others who will not
date anyone from their workplace. They fear that family members or
coworkers may find out. For some, that secrecy may be so
important that it is worth limiting themselves to a smaller pool
of prospective dates. We cannot tell you what is right and what
is wrong. But we do want to reassure you that any limitations are
grounded in your own attitudes and feelings; herpes itself does not
impose the limitations. And since that is so, you yourself have
the power to break free of them. You do not have to live as a prisoner of fear and of self-doubt.